is a 2D animated cartoon about a hyperactive boy named Milo and his Latino family, growing up with traditional Latino values in modern America. It’s creation came from the lack of Hispanic/ Latino representation in adult animation. Amigo Milo often delves into social, economic, and political commentary relating to the issues surrounding Latino culture. ‘Amigo Milo’ puts the “cartoon” back into “adult cartoon”, with it’s exaggeration in animation and absurdity in humor. ‘Amigo Milo’s’ satire of the average Latino family and it’s juxtaposition of immigrant parents raising Americanized children sets it apart from other adult cartoons.

Click the video below to watch the Animatic

Honorable Mention for the Digital Design Award at the J. Robert and Barbara A. Hiller College of Architecture and Design.


The story of Amigo Milo pilot is simple, but is meant to illustrate the socio-economic differences between Milo and other children his age outside his town. Milo lives in a low income neighborhood, surrounded by other Latinos who immigrated to America for a better life. Milo’s parents live at the very edge of the neighborhood, allowing them to send Milo to a “good” high-school at the middle/ upper class town over. Milo being the only Latino kid in school discovers what it means to be “different”, realizing his own poverty and facing racism - something he never payed attention to prior to attending a new school.


The first episode shows Milo’s first time getting bullied, and his desperation to be accepted by others. Setting the theme of Amigo Milo, and it’s potential for a series surrounding the family and the tribulations Latinos face in various facets in life like work, education, relationships, and culture.

Kitchen Scene to Milo’s Room Storyboard


The Characters of Amigo Milo are very loosely based on my real life family members and are archetypes of the general Latino household. Milo the boy, Dante the big brother, Maria the Mother, Juan the Father, and Sancho the dog.


The Garcia home is based on an actual home in New Jersey. It was my childhood home where I grew up, so with a mental map and some restored photos from 2010, I was able to create a detailed layout of the house. The characters live in a Latino- American populated neighborhood based on Kearny, NJ


The animation of Amigo Milo is not of the standard adult animated sitcoms in today’s television. Amigo Milo puts the cartoon back into adult cartoon, with characters being exaggerated in expression and scenes loaded with visual gags. The animation goes along with lively Latino music, which plays into the character’s actions.